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  • Writer's pictureAvi Sen

34 Mayfair (London)

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

34 Mayfair has been one London’s best brunch places for forever it seems. Nestled in the heart of the most affluent area of London, this restaurant is famed for its culinary triumphs and classy clientele. Was it any good? Time to find out…

Lobster mac ‘n’ cheese shaved black truffle

Ideal for:

  • Those wanting a classy brunch experience

  • Those who don’t care for eggs at brunch

  • Intimate brunch date with your partner


Ambience & Décor

The restaurant was boisterous given it was one of the first weekends post COVID-19 restrictions being lifted but it was lovely to be in. In terms of décor, 34 Mayfair adopts a very typical fine dining blueprint; medley of wood with retro 1950’s style lighting fittings and table lamps. You see this type of old-fashioned décor in many of London’s long-standing fine dining institutions. Not a personal fan.


Service was exemplary from start to finish. Although, I do feel for the polished, pristine waiters whose look is ruined by a waistcoat that has a garishly large “34” emblazoned on it.


Lobster mac ‘n’ cheese shaved black truffle

I ordered the Argentinian Rib Eye (300g) accompanied by Bearnaise sauce, creamed sweetcorn jalapenos & spring onions and fries. In lieu of starters, the table ordered 34’s signature dish; 34 Lobster mac ‘n’ cheese shaved black truffle (see left). The steak (see left)was perfectly medium rare, and the quality was akin to a Hawksmoor or Goodman’s steak – that is how good it was. The standout side was the creamed sweetcorn but less complimentary about the Bearnaise; it was lukewarm and runny.

The 34’s calorie-ladened signature dish was delicious. Perfectly steamed lobster covered in a melange of al-dente macaroni and strong cheddar, infused with truffle oil and truffle shavings on top. Rightly so, this was the most aesthetically pleasing and it tasted as good as it looked. It is very strong on the truffle, so suggest a palate cleanser to finish. For me, it was a scoop of mango & passionfruit ice cream.

Aside from the tired décor and waistcoats, 34 Mayfair’s food was amazing. Each dish barring the bearnaise was top quality. Sadly, the rest of the table’s dishes were hit and miss; the Shrimp Burger came under severe criticism. For the price you pay you need perfection, and whilst I was happy, I cannot ignore the inconsistencies, so I will give 34 Mayfair an A- rating.

Photos of 34 Mayfair and more can be found on Instagram here.


Final grade: A-

Final comment: Fantastic brunch place that had some amazing hits but also minor misses.

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