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  • Writer's pictureAvi Sen

Ess-a-Bagel (NYC)

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

There are fewer, more prominent, culinary associations in the world than New York City and bagels. Every bagel shop vociferously claims to be the best, and Ess-a-bagel is no different. Was it any good? Time to find out...

Reuben Bagel

Ideal for:

  • When your hotel is near the ESB, and you want some breakfast or lunch.

  • When you want a plethora of options to really customise the bagel.

  • Famished diners that want a hearty meal option at great value.


Ambience & Décor

Ess-a-Bagel looked like a traditional bagel shop, where the health and safety man may have had a field day, but there was order to the chaos and ultimately, glass cabinets showing the wares made me salivate. The dim lighting and dark flooring made the shop feel dingier than it was I feel. There was a small seating area at the back, but you really order this to go. The quick service meant I did not have to be patient for long.


The Reuben Bagel

Firstly, The Reuben (see left) was $15 or $16, but it was massive, and I was only able to eat half, so well worth the money I felt, especially with a large appetite. This was pastrami smothered in melted, silky, Swiss cheese atop. Underneath the well-cooked and flavoursome pastrami, the sauerkraut was not too strong and provided the necessary crunch. The smooth, ample Russian dressing (mayonnaise, ketchup, sour cream, and horseradish) gave the bagel a kick, zing, and a different texture. All the ingredients combined made The Reuben a fantastic bagel. I will 100% be coming back to Ess-a-bagel and try all the other numerous offerings. Every person I spoke to about Ess-a-bagel told me that the other offerings are amazing, and it was worth the queue. They also told me it was not the best bagel in NYC as that was a tough crown to take. Consistency takes a restaurant from an A to A+ rating, and hence for me, this sneaks into the A+ rating.

Photos of Ess-a-Bagel and more can be found on Instagram here.


Final grade: A+

Final comment: This is one of the best bagels I have ever had – well worth it!

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