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  • Writer's pictureAvi Sen

Grand Old House (Cayman)

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

The Ritz and Grand Old House are the two main go-to for fine dining. With premium ingredients, breath-taking sea views and an al-fresco dining space, Grand Old House has the recipe for success. Was it any good? Time to find out...

Mushroom Ravioli

Ideal for:

  • When you are looking to celebrate a special occasion.

  • A lovely meal you want to splash on after payday.

  • A romantic date night for that special someone.


Ambience & Décor

Most of the dining space was outdoors, which meant you can enjoy the fantastic views of the Caribbean Sea lapping on the Island shores, and some bigger wildlife if lucky. It was truly a spectacular view and one I would never tire of. The dining space and fixtures are made from an assortment of woods of differing, yet similar shades. The crisp white linen hinted at fine dining, but this décor, overall, was more relaxed than fine dining. The demure ambience is more akin to fine dining.


The “fine dining” tag meant that service had to be exceptional, and thankfully it was, even though the restaurant was not full. My glass was never empty, and each course was explained with a smile.


Lobster Thermidor

The Mushroom Ravioli starter was amazing because the strong Asiago cheese, intense truffle oil and plentiful cognac were all powerful flavours that perfectly complemented (but not overshadowed) the mushrooms. Sage was also a punchy, earthy flavour and added warmth and vibrancy to the dish. Great start.

My Lobster Thermidor (see left) was expensive, and upon first glance, I was disappointed. For that price, I expected a whole lobster, but it came in a medium-sized pot with the thermidor wedged in. Not the fine dining presentation I hoped for. What the dish lacked in presentation, it made up for in flavour, as the pan roasted lobster was smoky yet perfectly cooked, the potato gratin was faultless, and the Chardonnay-based creamy sauce was heavenly. The little tuiles, crisps and scallions atop added texture and good earthy flavours. The buttery broccolis were nice but was an afterthought to pad out the dish.

Lamb Loin

The presentation of the Lamb Loin was more rustic than I expected, but the portion was plentiful. Whereas the lobster was cooked perfectly, the lamb was overdone, which was a great shame. The accompaniments of roasted vegetables and scalloped potatoes were lovely, but it crowded the plate. The ginger chilli emulsion that complemented the lamb was a twist I did enjoy because it gave flavour and kick to an otherwise monotonous dish.

The Passionfruit cheesecake (below) to finish had the zingy tanginess I expected, and but I would have preferred the cheesecake to be a little less solid, and fluffier.

Passionfruit Cheesecake

Once again, the portion was generous.

I hate it when restaurants think that adding “shards” “discs” and “smears” automatically equates to fine dining. They did it with this cheesecake and it was just so clunky and not needed. If restaurants are to show off their culinary skills, it had to be done right!

Grand Old House was a conundrum for me. It pitched itself as a fine dining restaurant and whilst the setting was just sublime, the ingredients and service clearly indicated fine dining, the overall presentation, portion, and general finesse was just lacking. The lamb dish was disappointing, but the Lobster Thermidor could just be the best thing I have eaten in Cayman. Given the high prices, I expected better, and I have received better when I have gone back subsequently, so overall Grand Old House gets a B rating.

Photos of Grand Old House and more can be found on Instagram here.


Final grade: B

Final comment: Grand Old House can be great if it tightens up on some things.

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