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  • Writer's pictureAvi Sen

Saltwater Grill (Cayman)

Updated: Feb 11

Saltwater Grill has a good all-round game; good drinks list, extensive food menu and a nice venue that is great for dates or with mates. Is it the jack of all trades, and master of none? Was it any good? Time to find out…

Pasta Santorini

Ideal for:

  • Somewhere incredibly relaxed that you can nip to at short notice.

  • Wanting some comforting dishes without paying over the odds.

  • Having a few cocktails before a night out somewhere nearby.


Ambience & Décor

Like with many places in Cayman, the way Saltwater Grill tried to look classy was to go for the light-dark contrast décor. Dark ceiling, light floors illuminated by spotlights, and even the booths were dark tables with light upholstering. I did like this contrast look as it was done well. As with most times I have visited Saltwater Grill, the restaurant was quiet and relatively empty.


Service was patchy, even though the restaurant was never busy. I would say it embodies “Cayman time”; relaxed about when people get served. Service was with a smile when it does come – shame you are not.


Pasta Santorini

I went to critique Saltwater Grill on my own and started with the Curried Corn Soup. This was tasty, and the portion was decent. Great start. The Pasta Santorini (see left) overcooked the 2 poached lobster tails, so they tough as old boots, and far too much tomato, garlic, and onion sauce. It was a carb nightmare. Presentation wise, all the dishes were also quite rustic – not Insta suitable, but I did my best. Whilst this time was a miss, the Peri Peri Chicken on their menu is delicious. The haunting vibe, average service and mediocre food means a middle of the road C rating.

Photos of Saltwater Grill and more can be found on Instagram here.


Final grade: C

Final comment: Average food, average service, average ambience – all a bit meh!

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