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  • Writer's pictureAvi Sen

The Gate Marylebone (London)

Updated: Jan 4

For me, London's Best Vegetarian restaurant has been between Mildreds and The Gate. It was time to see if The Gate could take the crown. Was it any good? Time to find out...

Soft Cappuccino Cheesecake

Ideal for:

  • Vegetarians and vegans looking for something special

  • Casual meals with friends

  • Date night


The award for Best Vegetarian restaurant for me, has been close between Mildreds and The Gate. After having recently visited Mildreds Kings Cross (see review here), it was time to see if The Gate Marylebone could compete? 

Ambience & Décor

The interior design is today’s modern definition of contemporary. Exposed bare-brick white walls, plain monochromatic wooden fixtures & fittings and hangings on the walls to jazz it up. Simple, minimalist and chic but not noteworthy. The Gate had an intimate, quiet vibe today.


Service was very polished. They were not intrusive, and was at hand to make cogent recommendations, but settling the bill took longer than desired. 


A warm day called for the refreshing Hibiscus Blossom. This drink had some of my favourite ingredients, chiefly hibiscus, elderflower (elderflower liqueur) and prosecco. Starts off boozy, but gets sweeter the further one drinks.

The Gate has a multicultural menu. Went to India with the Tofu Tikka and a Mediterranean-Middle East medley with the Cous Cous Fritters.

Tofu Tikka

The Tofu Tikka (left) confused me. Despite the Indian spices, the salsa was Middle Eastern. The explosion of spice was tempered by the sweetness from the shallots and tomatoes. The removal of the olives is the only suggested tweak needed as it did not work. It had some wow factor to it. 

Cous Cous Fritters

The Couscous fritters (right) had a generous portion of feta, a cheese I love, but lacked taste otherwise. The smooth spicy carrot purée and fresh lemon ensured some semblance of flavour. The contents or coating needs heat as the dish lacked punch. The dish failed to amaze.

shiitake & ginger gyoza with sweet potato purée and sauté greens, teriyaki and toasted cashews

On to Asia for the shiitake & ginger gyoza with sweet potato purée and sauté greens, teriyaki and toasted cashews (left). The earthy tones from the mushroom given a welcome kick from the ginger. The sweet-salt balance was addressed by the teriyaki and purée. Whilst seeming peculiar, the sweet potato purée was a culinary masterstroke. Intriguing flavour combinations and textures that on paper baffle, but once sampled, were delicious.

Soft Cappuccino Cheesecake

The Soft Cappuccino Cheesecake (right) was a perfect consistency, and incredibly fluffy; like butter cut by a hot knife. The hazelnut base tastes far better than a biscuit base. Hazelnut and coffee is an ineffable mix. I do not care for coffee-flavoured items, so when I endorse such dishes, you know it is good.

The Gate Marylebone is an impressive Vegetarian and Vegan restaurant. Despite the lack of wow factor on one of the starters, the cheesecake finale will be unforgettable. Vegetarians and vegans must put this restaurant on their bucket list. Solid A rating.

Photos of The Gate Marylebone and more can be found on Instagram here.


Final grade: A

Final comment: One of London’s best vegetarian and vegan restaurants hands down.   

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